What does Unravel Me do?
I am a change coach, EFT trainer and a training designer. I create trainings for self-development, prevention and emotional and mental health education.
I provide one-to-one consultations where I have developed a unique methodology to help your change occur.
I create and run unique group workshops for companies and institutions.

Agata Chmielowska
Need a change? Not sure what is really blocking you?
Maybe you feel lost in a forest of expectations, plans, challenges?
‘Let go of who you think you are supposed to be in order to become who you are’ (Brene Brown).
My job is to help you get on the path of change, and to accompany you on it.
Before my eyes, my clients transform their needs, have a different relationship with their family, regain a connection with their child.
Suddenly, seemingly imperceptible changes within them, cause an avalanche of changes ‘outside’.
I am mega-lucky and privileged to accompany them in this process.
how do i work? what can you expect ...
- You don’t have to reckon with years of work …This process doesn’t have to mean that we ‘analyse’ all the problems at once ….
- Nor do you have to force dealing with any painful experiences, under the illusion that “it has to hurt a lot for things to change” – this is not true!
- Working with me is also not about ‘waiting’ from session to session for process/for work/for support… you have it uninterrupted.
- You can collect your tools through my ‘Toolboxes’, keep them and share with others too.
Agata Chmielowska
Why is it worth a try?
Korzyści / výhody / benefits
Spróbuj / zkuste to / try it
Jak wyglądają spotkania? / jak to funguje u mě? / Find out how it works ...

a free session - for recommending someone
Moje "dziękuję" / můj dík / my thanks to you
organisation of an additional session – directly with me
you have Continuous Support- no need to wait until the next session
I want to nurture Our relationship and a sense of caring.
Therefore, apart from the fact that you will always get specific tasks & tools from me after a session, you can also write – I will always answer.
The sea does not ask if it can create another wave…. it flows and things happen when they are supposed to happen. So we address everything in between.

Tools for you - stock up
After the sessions you will always receive tools that you will not part with again, let them become part of your reality.
Additionally, you can buy other thematic toolboxes that resonate with you and observe the changes. These are not books where I share my experience, but I try to give concrete tools for you to examine, explore and transform yourself here and now, step by step.